Tuesday, July 7, 2009

The Honest Scrap Award

I won an award!

Thank you Lost Mitten for giving me this award! It is the first I received and I am excited.

There are a few requirements and they are as follows:
- I must thank the person who gave me the award and list their blog and link it
- I must list 10 honest things about myself
- I must put a copy of The Honest Scrap Logo on my blog.
- I must select at least 7 other worthy bloggers & list their links
- I must notify the bloggers of the award and hopefully they will follow the above requirements.

10 Honest things about myself -

1) I love to take photos, but most only of food! I don't really know why, but it makes my heart jump with glee to get that one real good, mouth watering shot where you could actually smell the aromas and taste it just by looking at your screen!

2) I started my Etsy shop selling cards! Don't really know where that idea came from, but as you might have suspected I sold none! I made my banner and another and put that on sale and that sold, so that was the way to go I thought.

3) I am a fast learner but not patient enough to get good at what I learned. To be really honest, I learned how to use Photoshop when I made the banner for my shop! I searched out tutorials online and mostly from Digital Scrapbooking site to learn most of the affects and tricks that I use for creating banners I sell. But I do admit, I don't think I would go pro with my Photoshop skills.

4) I never went to University.... well I wanted to add this because sometimes I feel that there is too much emphasis on a Degree and I sometimes fall into a "Oh no! I don't have a Degree" panic mode. But hey, it was a choice.

5) Sometimes I feel like going home, because I miss my parents terribly. Don't get me wrong, Sydney is a wonderful place and I love staying here. But my parents are quirky and funny, and their company always reminds me of who I am and what I want in life.

6) I use to think my grandfather will live forever, but he passed away at the age of 93. To him, he actually lived too long.

7) I have always wanted to write a book. I had the ideas in my head, but just worried that because it is about real people in my life, they might get offended of my interpretations of what happened.

8) I am planning to start a supplies shop on ArtFire. This is mainly to destash some of my jewelry making supplies which I bought wholesale simply because it was cheaper. But I want my customers to get more than supplies from my shop. So I think about this everynight now!

9) I love to cook, but honestly not too good at it. Maybe it has something to do with me not wanting to follow a recipe?

10) I believe that a small group of good friends is always better than a large group of acquiantances. So I appreciate every small but kind gestures, and want to return it in large generous ways!

This has made me spend sometime thinking about myself.... real good excercise in the middle of the year! So I hope the others whom I am passing this award to, will do the same!

Here they are:
1) SevenWestDesign
2) BeadUp
3) kMT Graphic Design
4) Umiko
5) PassionForBeads
6) Albertine's Creations
7) MuffinPuffART


Bead Up said...

Thanks so much! I posted about the award on my site :) http://beadup.blogspot.com/2009/07/goodness-comes-in-3s.html

Also, I think your fact #6 is very insightful. I can relate.

Lost Mitten said...

Thanks for posting this, I really enjoyed reading it & learning more about you! :)